Terms, Conditions and Statements
Polices, Terms & Conditions.
Please review these prior to confirming your reservation
Reservations and Course Bookings:
Dive tour & charter reservations will be confirmed on receipt of a non-refundable 50% deposit.
Full payment for dive charters within 14 days of charter departure, this is non- refundable.
Dive Courses confirmed on receipt of the full course fee.
For charter and tour cancellations the deposit is non-refundable.
For group charters where numbers are less than expected, the deposit for those not participating may be credited to the charter balance. But conditions will apply and be based on overall numbers participating.
For course bookings any refund will depend on the reason for cancellation, the time of cancellation and whether materials have been issued.
If the company cancels a trip or course for any reason, we will endeavour to firstly reschedule your booking or if this is not possible a full refund will apply for tours/charters and a refund less any material costs for courses.
No refunds apply for clients who are removed from the water due to the clients placing their, other clients, or staff’s health and safety at risk.
No refunds apply for those who choose not to dive due to seasickness, through being too uncomfortable to dive, or for any other reason the client chooses not to dive.
Customer Information: Part of our Safety Management System requires all clients to complete a Customer Information Form, this form requires you to make a medical and dive experience declaration as well as sign an Affirmation and Liability Release Statement.
A copy of this form can be downloaded from this site and copies will be available prior to your activity with Go Dive. Please take the time to review this document before your arrival if possible.
Tour Departures: On confirmation of your reservation, we will advise you of the time and place of departure. If the reservation is made outside 48hrs of the departure, you will be asked to check in by phone or email the day prior to departure in order to check on the status of the tour and reconfirm departure details.
If your time of arrival is delayed, please let Go Dive know as soon as possible, otherwise we cannot guarantee that the tour will wait for your arrival and no refund will apply.
Weather and client assessment: On occasion the weather or client ability may be assessed as medium to high risk, and we may need to change the dive venue or cancel the trip once it is underway.
In the case that we assess that a client is putting themselves, other clients, or staff’s health and safety at risk, they will be requested to end their dive/days diving activities while the rest of the group continues. No refund applies in such circumstances.
On rare occasions the weather may prevent us from diving our preferred dive site once the tour is underway. Go Dive staff have years of experience in assessing dive conditions, we will offer an alternative dive site if our assessment of the site conditions is such that we consider it to be unsafe or that it will not provide an enjoyable experience for guests. We may postpone or cancel the charter or dive prior to departure if we consider the site conditions are not appropriate for the same reasons.
Exposure to altitude after diving: Due to an increase in elevation when driving after diving on some of our tours, we require a precautionary three-hour sea-level surface interval between surfacing and travel. Dive exposure times will also be controlled by Go Dive and based on previous dives, depth, and time exposure.
Hunting and Collecting: Unless participating in a planned hunting and collecting dive we do not allow the collection of marine life or wreck artifacts on Go Dive tours.
If participating on a planned hunting and collecting dive while on a Port Gore based dive tour or charter we have a self-imposed limit to the number of shellfish, crayfish, and fin-fish each diver can take. This is normally limited to what can be reasonably consumed in an evening meal back at the Lodge.
Dives & Run Times: Two recreational dives per day with a run time of up to 60 minutes each. A third dive is sometimes possible during summer months. All dives are no decompression dives, unless previously approved and discussed with Go Dive staff.
Guided Dives: The first two dives can be guided. On multi day Lermontov tours we do not necessarily provide a guide after the first day. If you would like to be guided beyond the first day’s diving, please inform us of this when making your reservation, an extra guide fee may apply in some circumstances. Dives will be guided to areas suitable to the least experienced member of each team.
Penetration Dives: These are possible for those with the experience and qualifications to match. View our Lermontov Penetration Guide for information on where you may be able to dive. Note that limited guided penetration dives are possible only after an assessment dive on the outside of the wreck and at the sole discretion of our guides.
*We do not guide technical dives unless on request at time of reservation, this will be assessed on a dive-by-dive basis. An extra charge may apply in such circumstances.
Equipment Rental: Go Dive supply standard scuba equipment and wetsuits for our tours if required. If you require accessories like torches, computers, or technical equipment please inform us of this requirement when making your booking. Equipment lost or damaged while in use will need to be replaced by the client at replacement value.
Using your own equipment: You are welcome to use your own equipment; however, it must be fit for purpose and in good serviceable order. If in doubt, especially your level of exposure protection, please discuss your concern with Go Dive staff prior to departure.
Nitrox: If you would like to dive Enriched Air or decompression gasses, please let us know at time of booking. Oxygen is 8c per litre calculated as you go and paid for at the end of your trip.
Dietary Requirements: If you have any special dietary requirements, we need to know at the time you make your reservation. In some cases, an extra fee may apply so we can meet your requirements.
Payment of extras: Payments for Nitrox, T-Shirts and other products must be made prior to the end of the tour.
Customer Comments: We would love you to let us know what you thought of your experience with Go Dive, especially if you had any safety concerns. This can be done directly by completing our customer comment forms or visitors book available at all our sites or through a post on Trip Advisor.
Technical Diving Policies: For more information on technical type dives check out the Technical diving Policies on the Go Dive website.
We look forward to meeting you and introducing you to our awesome dive sites.
Brent McFadden
Managing Director and Owner
Safety Statement
​Go Dive Pacific is committed to:
Preventing serious harm to staff, customers, and visitors
Complying with health and safety legislation
Continually improving health and safety management
Taking all practicable steps to ensure the health and safety of staff, customers, and visitors.
In meeting these commitments, the management of Go Dive Pacific will:
Provide a healthy and safe workplace, safe equipment, and proper materials.
Identify and manage all hazards and risks
Always establish and insist upon safe practices
Accurately report and record all incidents
Comply with relevant legislation, regulations, and codes of practice
Involve staff in the development of health and safety systems
Invite feedback on and regularly review safety systems and performance, in order to continuously improve health and safety management
Require all staff to take personal responsibility for safety.
Health & Safety Goal:
Our Goal is to achieve a NIL SERIOUS HARM record for operations each year
Diving is an adventure activity that includes risk to your person. Under New Zealand law we are we required to notify you of the following statement.
You accept that this activity inherently involves risks and potential hazards. The risks and hazards include, but are not limited to breathing compressed gas, marine traffic, marine life, decompression sickness, drowning, barotrauma, air embolism, decompression illness, dehydration, gas narcosis, malfunctioning equipment, ear problems, sun damage, hypothermia, hypothermia, sea sickness, and adverse weather events.
These activities are run in the outdoors on the ocean, so may be exposed to sudden natural disasters such as, but not limited to Tsunami, Earthquakes, Slips Landslides or Rock Falls, or Volcanic Eruption. I am aware that participating in the activities offered by Go Dive Pacific can be hazardous even if they are conducted with care, control, and responsibility. You acknowledge that these risks could result in my injury (physical or mental) or even death.

All safety systems and procedures are uniform and established in accordance with best practice and international regulation.
We are registered with WorkSafe New Zealand as an Adventure Activity Operator (NZ AAO 761) and undergo annual audits by Adventure Mark an international and independent safety audit company.